Hello! I am Karimin and I'm a frontend developer

Since 2019, I was doing things in Javascript in Minecraft Education Edition. Now, I am doing websites with HTML/CSS/JS and SCSS. I also understand Bootstrap and basics of Git/Github. I know how to build RESTful API's using NodeJS and Express.js. Currently I am learing React

My picture

What am i doing now?


Loan Calculator

Loan Calculator

Car rent cost calculator made using HTML/CSS/JS for Cetus Academy

Github viewer

Github Viewer

Github users searcher made using HTML/CSS/JS with Github API using fetch API

Path of Mushrooms

Path of Mushrooms

"Path of mushrooms" is an educational game made for "GEEK 2023" competition. It was made in vanilla JS

Todo App

Todo app

Simple To-Do list with filters made using JS

Password Generator

Password Generator

Password generator with "copy to clipboard" function. It was made using SASS/HTML/JS

Rating component

Rating component

My first project from frontendMentor. I made this in 2020 and it is basically mi first project on github. It was made using HTML/CSS/JS