Loan Calculator
![Loan Calculator](assets/loanCalc.jpeg)
Car rent cost calculator made using HTML/CSS/JS for Cetus Academy
Github viewer
![Github Viewer](assets/github-viewer.jpeg)
Github users searcher made using HTML/CSS/JS with Github API using fetch API
Path of Mushrooms
![Path of Mushrooms](assets/pathOfMushrooms.jpeg)
"Path of mushrooms" is an educational game made for "GEEK 2023" competition. It was made in vanilla JS
Todo App
![Todo app](assets/todoApp.jpeg)
Simple To-Do list with filters made using JS
Password Generator
![Password Generator](assets/passwordGenerator.jpeg)
Password generator with "copy to clipboard" function. It was made using SASS/HTML/JS
Rating component
![Rating component](assets/ratingComponent.jpeg)
My first project from frontendMentor. I made this in 2020 and it is basically mi first project on github. It was made using HTML/CSS/JS